After your stay in a shelter, you will have the possibility through your first stage house, to apply for one of our 14 safe, confidential, furnished and partially subsidized apartments. Alternat’Elle is a second stage house created to help women and their children victims of conjugal violence that have been sheltered in one of the shelters in Canada a for at least a minimum of one month. The stay is a maximum of 21 months. After 12 months, a re-evaluation of your stay will be done in collaboration with the team to ensure that the resource still meets your needs.
Our main goal is to offer you support and to accompany you in your process of recovering power over your life as a woman and as a mother. With your counselors, you will work on reconstructing your self-esteem, to identifying and considering your needs and to free yourself of from the cycle of violence. If you wish, the counselor could also accompany you in your legal process.
In addition, your children will also have the opportunity to share confidentially with a counselor specialised with children. At their own rhythm, throughout the weeks, they will be able to talk about their experience with violence. We will accompany them to reclaim their role as children and to free themselves from the conflict of loyalty that is often present.