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If you accept all the praise, you have to accept all the critics.

– Chris Brogan, famous blogger

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Anniversary of the Ecole Polytechnique Massacre

The 12 days of Action Against Conjugal Violence will take place on November 25th and ending on December 6th; the anniversary of the Ecole Polytechnique massacre. For the occasion, the West Island Women’s Shelter will be calling attention to conjugal homicides that occurred in 2017, shedding light on the faces of the women who sadly…


Charity Concert for Shelter – Mark Broady

Come and see Mark Broady revive his hip-hop career live on stage! All while supporting a national campaign to end violence against women. 100% of ticket proceeds go directly towards the Royal LePage National Shelter Foundation and the West Island Women’s Shelter. Helping women & children escape violence at home. If you can’t attend the…



IGNITING POSSIBILITIES Join us for an evening of inspiring speakers highlighting the power and potential of women and what we bring to the world! Featuring: New York Times best-selling author Miranda Esmonde-White Wise Women Canada founder Lisa Brookman Former Québec Cabinet Minister Yolande James Hosted by The Beat 92.5’s Donna Saker Proceeds will support the…
